Cultured Sloth

In this episode, we explore "Buch-Aisthesis," a fascinating collection edited by Christopher Busch and Oliver Ruf. The book challenges traditional notions of literature by examining it as a complex interplay of various media, highlighting the intricate relationships of cooperation and competition that exist within the...

In this episode, we explore "Aufklärung habsburgisch: Staatsbildung, Wissenskultur und Geschichtspolitik in Zentraleuropa, 1750-1850" by Franz L. Fillafer. The author unveils the intricate tapestry of Enlightenment thought within the Habsburg monarchy, challenging the notion that the era was solely defined by the secular-democratic ideals shaped...

In this episode, we explore the thought-provoking ideas in Artistic Cartography and Design Explorations Towards the Pluriverse, edited by Satu Miettinen, Enni Mikkonen, Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos, and Melanie Sarantou. This compelling volume reshapes our understanding of art and design by confronting global inequalities...

In this episode, we explore the fascinating history of olive oil production in Cyrenaica, North-East Libya, during the Roman period, as detailed in Ahmed Buzaian's book Ancient Olive Presses and Oil Production. Through meticulous research, Buzaian reshapes our understanding of the olive oil industry, revealing...

In this episode, we explore the intriguing world of dreams through Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller. This fascinating dream dictionary breaks down countless dream symbols, offering insights into the messages your subconscious may be sending. From animals and objects to specific actions,...

In this episode, we explore the insights from Restructuring of the International Clothing and Textile Trade Network: the Role of Italy and Portugal by Marlies Hanna Schütz and Nicole Palan. This research examines how global technological changes, trade costs, and institutions have reshaped the clothing...

In this episode, we explore the captivating world of insects through the eyes of Leonard Haseman, author of An Elementary Study of Insects. Written for young readers, this book introduces the fascinating physical traits, life cycles, and roles insects play in our environment. Haseman's engaging...

In this episode, we explore the powerful narratives from Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property, edited by Gaëlle Krikorian and Amy Kapczynski. This thought-provoking collection highlights a global movement challenging the tightening grip of intellectual property laws. From copyright restrictions that limit...

In this episode, we explore The Art of Perfumery and Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants by G.W. Septimus Piesse, a fascinating guide to the world of 19th-century perfumery. Piesse discusses the essential role of scent in human culture, health, and sophistication. We’ll look...

In this episode, we uncover the multifaceted life and work of Samuel van Hoogstraten, a 17th-century Dutch artist and writer, drawing from The Universal Art of Samuel van Hoogstraten, edited by Thijs Weststeijn. We'll explore his close relationship with Rembrandt, his unique perspectives on art...

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