19 Nov Challenging Our Understanding of Belief
In this thought-provoking episode, we explore Neil Levy’s book “Bad Beliefs: Why They Happen to Good People.” Why do well-meaning individuals reject climate science or dismiss vaccine safety, despite overwhelming scientific consensus? Levy challenges the conventional view, suggesting that bad beliefs aren’t the result of flawed reasoning or biases alone but stem from rational processes shaped by higher-order evidence. This episode delves into how we form beliefs based on social influences and evidence, prompting us to rethink how we change minds ethically. Tune in to reconsider what it truly means to be rational and how our social nature shapes our beliefs.
This podcast episode was made possible by the Nonsuch Foundation. Visit Nonsuch Foundation at http://www.NonsuchFoundation.com to learn more about their inspiring work in promoting culture, art, and education.
Last Updated on December 15, 2024 by Wilmar Padilla