29 Nov Redefining a Good Life: Sustainable Consumption in Focus
In this episode, we explore “Consumption Corridors: Living a Good Life within Sustainable Limits” by Doris Fuchs, Marlyne Sahakian, Tobias Gumbert, Antonietta Di Giulio, Michael Maniates, Sylvia Lorek, and Antonia Graf. This thought-provoking book challenges the conventional focus on ecological decline and instead presents a vision for living a good life within the Earth’s limits. The authors introduce the concept of “consumption corridors,” a framework that harmonizes individual well-being with social justice and environmental sustainability. They argue that defining both lower and upper consumption limits is essential for ensuring a fair and sustainable future. Tune in as we unpack how these ideas could transform our approach to consumption, well-being, and sustainability.
This podcast episode was made possible by the Nonsuch Foundation. Visit Nonsuch Foundation at http://www.NonsuchFoundation.com to learn more about their inspiring work in promoting culture, art, and education.
Last Updated on December 15, 2024 by Wilmar Padilla